Payday loans are a quick and easy way to get some speedy cash, and relieve a financial emergency. Focus Financial offers payday loans with no faxing, making the process even more convenient. You can apply from the comfort of your own home, or on the go from your mobile device. There is no need to send in any documents. Getting money is hassle free, and you usually receive the funds within an hour.
How does the faxless utility work?
Our faxlesss screenshot utility is simple and easy to use. First, you save the programme to your computer. Then you will be prompted to log into your online banking. Once you are logged in, you bring up the last 60 days of your banking history, and press the button to take a screenshot. It’s as simple as that!
What happens next?
Once we receive your screenshot, one of our customer service team will take a look at it and process your application. They will get back to you within an hour, and let you know if you are approved. We make the effort to approve as many applicants as possible.
Once you are approved, we will send you the loan by email money transfer. This will reach you within 30 minutes.
Repayment of the loan happens through direct debit of your bank account on your next payday. At this point you are free to take out another loan, if necessary.
Online payday loans have never been easier than with Focus Financial’s faxless application. If you need quick and easy access to funds, then look no further.