If you live in Surrey, BC, and are in need of a short term loan to get you through until your next payday, then look no further than Focus Financial Corp. Sometimes financial emergencies can happen, and living in such expensive times means that many people don’t have savings needed to cover themselves in these situations. We offer hassle free loans of up to $1500, available at our local store, or online.
If you want to apply online:
- Simply fill out our quick and simple application form
- Send in the last 60 days of your bank statement, using our faxless screenshot utility
- Receive your money, by email money transfer, within 30 minutes
If you want to apply in-store:
- Bring in the required documents; a 60 day bank statement, your most recent paystub, a pre authorized debit form, proof of address, and photo ID
- Allow one of our friendly customer service team to process your application whilst you wait
- Walk away with your cash, in under an hour
With an application process to suit every need, Focus Financial has all of your borrowing needs covered